The luxury of eating out became a tease. No breadbasket, no wine, no pasta, and no dessert. I found most menus to have at least one thing I could accommodate to my diet but it always took some finagling. I have become quick with substitutions and discovered that there are some delicious dishes out there already perfect just as they are. It is difficult to stand alone in your eating convictions when the rest of your party at the table asks for another serving of that fresh bread, but it doesn’t mean having to dine totally alone. Here are a few tips I have taken under my belt so that I feel good about eating out and don’t have to give up the experience all together:
- Only drink water with your meal. Red wine can be ok, but don’t order that second glass!
- Scoot the breadbasket to the other side of the table. If you must have a slice skip the butter and ask for a side of olive oil and balsamic vinegar for dipping.
- When ordering make sure your dish is not mainly a carbohydrate (ie. pasta, pizza, or a sandwich)
- Make sure your meal has a vegetable and a protein involved (ie. chicken, fish, or tofu are common at most restaurants)
- Skip the red meat
- Most restaurants add more salt then is needed during the cooking process, taste your food before grabbing for the saltshaker.
- Take your time! Eat slower, you may be the last one standing but it takes time for your body to know you are full. Left overs are the best part!
- Dessert is tempting and for good reason! If your sweet tooth is pressuring you make sure to order a dish made up of mostly fresh fruit.
Happy Dining!

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