My first step was not intended to be a detox, it just turned in that direction as soon as I also listed all the foods I was erasing from my daily list. How did I know what to take out and what to add? I tacked myself onto the Anti-Inflammatory Diet and have since added the term “Clean Eating” as another guideline. There is limited information on the Anti-Inflammatory Diet, however its principle is to stray away from foods that can cause inflammation in your joints, muscles, and belly and replace them with whole foods pumped full of anti-oxidants and other usable traits. So what did I delete? (*heavy sigh*):
white flour
white sugar
nightshade plants (ie. potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, green peppers)
citrus fruits
red meat
I didn’t know at the time what was left but I sure felt it as these foods left my diet. The first two weeks were bumpy! Before I knew it I had entered full on detox moratorium. Why so drastic? I knew my body was comfortable and I needed to take it out of its comfort food zone. I will write on the enlightenment at the end of the tunnel another day. The moral of this entry: let your body have a chance at a clean start and a fresh break. See what happens after no morning latte and scone, or your nightly glass of red wine. There are many detox plans and books out for the looking. My warning is this: if your body has never gone through a detox be nice to it! Wean yourself off and allow a few weeks to completely take foods out of your diet. Your body has attachments and will need to adjust. It is not about starvation, it is about rejuvenation.
peace and love.

Detox is a tricky word. Thank you for not doing the lemonade cayenne pepper thing. The path you're on seems healthy and seems to be working...Looking forward to reading more :)