August 31, 2009


The current issue of Ms. magazine reads, “Mom, 2.0” with several arms reaching for not only her child but her iphone to update twitter and of course her blog about homemade baby food. I have yet to buy the issue but its graphic forges a good point: how much is taking on too much? I am not a mother and will be writing strictly from the twenty-something, living with roommates, not working her dream job, and attempting to accomplish life perspective.

My day starts around 7 each morning and I, although exhausted, am happy to get into bed before eleven these days. That is 16 hours awake each day. 16! Half are taken up at my day job and I must say that darn job gets the best hours! But since it is paying for all the not so cheap but good for you foods stocked in my fridge and my water tank full of hot water I keep it around. The rest of the day is torn between running, cooking, writing, laundry, cleaning, being creative, the occasional social hour, and my favorite, being in love. Most of the time I think I am not doing enough and still I am writing two blogs, maintaining a worn out small creative business, cooking, daily runs, and a relationship (which tends to be the most sane part of my day, more on that another post). Those are the minimum tasks too. Notice there is no rest scheduled. Even as I write this entry I am watching the green beans boil, waiting for the salmon to get done in the oven and also sorting a late night laundry load. I would vent about needing more time except I don’t feel the need to be active for more then 16 hours a day, that is plenty!

Perhaps it is my perspective that needs a little time adjustment. And I know I am not the only one.

I know few women with less then half of a full plate. From small handmade business’, masters degrees, full time day jobs, getting in shape, being social, and enjoying the loves of our lives from family, to friendships, and partners, and of course blogs for each (breath). When did this generation become multi-tasking super women? I am proud of it all but I think I should add mindfulness in there too, just for good measure.

Take a moment and congratulate yourselves, please! You do more then enough and remember there is always tomorrow.


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