Recovery has shell shocked me back almost 5 months. Although I am sticking to my diet, and VERY happy with the results of my reduction. I had no idea one could sit with no back support for more then five minutes and not have screaming pain down their shoulders, hmm. Moving along aside I have not put my running shoes on in over a month! It's odd how something that was my daily focus is now in the back of my closet. I know that if I push myself now I will pay for it later and truth be told a little break feels needed. I am holding onto my final goal and am giving myself into the new year to complete it: just eight pounds to go coffee and all.
Although I am not running on the daily I am receiving daily pop up reminders of the fit life. I subscribe to several email newsletters about what sponsored publications have to say on the getting in shape topic. One in particular I don't read too often although the subject line always tickles a little, and today it just made me give the, "huh?" face to my computer screen.
It read, "Daily Fit Tip: How To Tame Hair Frizz"
I was not aware until this morning's enlightenment that taming frizzy hair was on the daily fitness agenda! That is surely not going to help motivate me into getting back out there. As a woman I am surrounded by headlines every day shouting about the right skirt for your hips, how to make your eyelashes longer, how to eat carbs and not see them in your a**. I am sad to see that also being a woman who cares about her body and is aware of her own personal health and well being means being confronted with making my hair look better when I am pooling in sweat during a run. Food for thought as it were.

Wow that's good information, thanks!!!