Carbs are not your diet's enemy! Carbohydrates turn to glucose in your body, upping your blood sugar and that is essential energy. But thanks to the one hit wonder diets such as The Zone, Atkins, and well just about anything with the sub-title, "low-carb" followed by "diet" many of us trying to get thin folks have been scared into close to carb-free corners in pantries all over. I was no different. I banned all bread, pasta, rice, and cereal from my cupboards and made my room mates keep their ration on the opposite side of the kitchen. I have since let a few of these back into my life but in moderation. When letting the bread basket back into my kitchen I took some control that I had been led to believe I didn't have before. I added some time to my grocery excursions so that I could read the ingredient list of just about everything I placed in my basket. This includes bread & pasta!
A Few Bread Tips
Number 1: No white flour! Step one is finding wheat bread, but not just lonesome wheat bread, only buy Whole Wheat.
Number 2: Venture into other flours such as spelt, buckwheat, oat, or quinoa.
Number 3: Bread is a simple food. Do your body a favor and keep that simplicity and get choosy about what you eat. Ingredient lists should not be longer then maybe 5 things.
Number 4: Ration your portions and watch your toppings. Breakfast- add a single piece of toast and skip the butter. Lunch-if it's all about the sandwich try it open faced. Dinner- Skip the bread. Get full on something with more flavor.
Number 5: As calories become precious be mindful of what your bread is adding to your meal. Stay under 120 calories per slice.
Once I was more comfortable eating bread carbs I re-introduced pasta back into a few meals. Since I am anti-white flour I looked for whole wheat pasta. I have fallen in love with rigatoni whole wheat pasta because the smaller pieces cook a little nicer and are less dense. When eating pasta make it a side dish and skip the heavy sauce. Try a handful of pasta with fresh pesto.
Last use carbohydrates to your advantage. Eat more with your breakfast and eat little to none with your dinner. You need energy in the morning and will burn up all that good blood sugar through out the day. Later in the day or at night you don't need carbs. They will turn to sugar and not get used up so skip the late night snacks. If you are going to the gym up your carbohydrates, your will need the boost.

Got any ideas for dinners without carbs? Rice, pasta, bread are our building blocks :( But then, we are super active
ReplyDeleteOh, and I wanted to say that I've noticed when I get good wholesome bread, I don't feel the need to pile on the toppings...so if you follow your Bread Tip #1 and #2, then Bread Tip #4 will be easy!
ReplyDeleteLettuce and meat :) try a meal like a stir fry packed with veggies and either chicken, tofu, or shrimp. If you feel like you are missing something add quinoa instead of rice.
ReplyDeleteAh! You are so brilliant...I am going to take the quinoa down out of my cupboard and try out the veggies/quinoa mixture to see what happens :)